Rummy had his puppy booster and rabies vacs a couple days ago and everything checked out great, as puppy as could be.
Only thing the vet recommended is that I may want to think about trimming the fur back around his eyes. I really wanted to keep Rummy in a natural coat (edit to say full length coat). The fur has never seemed to bother him before and I brush him daily. I also was wondering if I just let it grow if it will it get longer and weigh itself down? I always wanted a dog with a long full coat and just love him the way he is but if it's a problem I guess I'll trim it. He's 15 weeks old now so still has plenty of growing and guessing to see what happens when his adult coat comes in.
Recommendations, grooming advice?
Some pics to show what's going on
Oh, and I can't take pictures without the "I'm going to make a funny face for the camera" pic