Posted : 5/23/2011 11:35:26 AM
You're wise -- has a new pharmacy too apparently and I don't know what they require as far as prescription goes.
Interceptor does MUCH more than heartworm -- and I only do it every 45 days. Heartworm is in all 50 states now (including Alaska) because honestly you can see mosquitos hitching a ride on fruit in refrigerated trucks, etc.
Revolution is nasty stuff in my book -- and if you have ever had a flea allergic dog you don't want the first bite to happen (and Revolution stays in the blood -the parasite has to bite the dog TO die). Frontline you can get online pretty easily.
Offer the vet that either they can write you a prescription so you CAN buy it or they can order it themselves, but that's the product YOU want. You're the consumer and you've got a good idea of what YOU want. (in my opinion, there's nothing like sticking to your guns sometimes)
I'm not in the PNW ... but often it's the office staff that can't work their brains around "how to do" something. You might have to print off the form from PetMeds and physically take it in and have the vet sign it and fax it yourself. Or call PetMeds and find out how to make a work around -- yours can't be the only vet to be problematic. I hope that helped.