Baileys bloodwork indicated HIGH CHOLESTEROL! Any ideas???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Baileys bloodwork indicated HIGH CHOLESTEROL! Any ideas???

    I posted this in the nutrition section for food recommendations, but I wanted to link it to here too for any advice or ideas on what could be causing this high blood pressure! Please read my thread here:

    Thank you so much for any help!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I posted in your thread in the nutrition section, but you didn't mention high blood pressure in that thread. It's rare in dogs but can be caused by kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, Cushing's, and a tumor of the adrenal gland.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Jessies_Mom is right -- that stumped me too.  High cholesterol doesn't equate to high blood pressure.  In humans it can contribute to high blood pressure (and even then they aren't necessarily going to go together -- high blood pressure is called hypertension.  Cholesterol is the stuff in humans that clogs the arteries/veins.

    Many vets don't even have a blood pressure cuff for a dog -- if your vet DID take your dog's blood pressure and it was high then you've definitely got a problem that needs to be addressed right away.