Posted : 5/6/2011 12:09:34 PM
Man, I would have a long talk with the vet. An x-ray may not tell you anything quite yet
Much depends on how heartworm positive she is (there ARE degrees) -- and I'd talk to the vet about giving her a dose of Interceptor just to kill microfilaria *BEFORE* (like days before) the spay. You'd have to keep her very quiet, b/c the body has to filter out the dead parasites from the blood. But on the other hand ...
I'd also want to know what the immiticide might do to any developing pups if they want to give her the HW treatment before they spay. You wouldn't want to kill any fetus and then have her body retain it - that would be pyometra the hard way and she doesn't need more.
Typically I would say the heartworm treatment would be the one that could wait as long as it's not impairing her breathing *now* (and if it is, she's not a candidate for the immiticide anyway).
Logically, to spit this out chronologically -- typically they want to wait 3 weeks after heat for the tissues to return to normal and they should know *then* if she's pregnant or not. If she's not pregnant then that gives you leeway to treat her for heartworm and *then* spay her before her next heat??
In short -- heartworm treatment doesn't have to be done this minute -- you will want to exercise real caution with your others to make sure you give them their 'preventive' because this dog is a heartworm "factory" right now. but waitng a couple of weeks isn't going to make a huge difference -- you want her to be in the best shape for whichever procedure.
fwiw -- they should not need to "put her under" for heartworm treatment. It's not surgery. It simply requires her to be extremely sedentary. Or did I misunderstand what you said up there -- were you talking about the hw positive being a concern during *spay* surgery?
Am I making sense (I hope?)