Posted : 4/27/2011 9:44:59 AM
I replied in more depth in the PM you sent me.
Myelitis can be auto-immune -- have the vets determined that? The stress of demodex (and any chemical -- probably including ivermectin and amitraz) can trigger auto-immune problems.
My *best* suggestion for you would be TCVM -- Traditional Chinese Veteirnary Medicine. One of the leading authorities in the world on DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) is Dr. Roger Clemmons at the University of Florida Vet School in Gainesville. But he *also* is on staff at the Chi Institute which is based near UF ( ) -- they are simply a qualifying agency to teach vets how to practice TCVM and acupuncture and the Chinese herbology.
Acupuncture is incredlbly helpful for neural stuff -- particularly for DM and Myelitis.
Myelitis can be auto-immune -- and that would be critical to diagnose here because unless you get the root cause dealt with you won't have any luck actually treating the problem.
Bevolasvegas on here HAS a dog with DM, and Bevo is actually being treated with TCVM so she would also be a good resource for you. Find one of her posts and email her and if I get a minute later I'll try to get hold of Amanda myself (Bevo's Mom).
For those just lurking -- DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) can, in older dogs, be a precursor to Myelitis.
I'm no expert on this at all, I just know TCVM absolutely rocks to help those conditions. I have sciatica myself (another nerve problem) and acupuncture sometimes is the only thing that saves my sanity. (Yeah, as a matter of fact it was Dr. Clemmons at UF who got *me* to go to an acupuncturist!!)