controling the spread of parasites?

    • Gold Top Dog

    controling the spread of parasites?

    Hi everyone, T Bone is feeling so much better since seeing the vet about a week ago. He is being treated for sarcoptic mange, asecondary skin infection and to be safe ear infections. POOR GUY! He's on Prednazone for the itching and almost doesnt need it anymore. Other than flakiness left over hes looking good again. So apparently this was indeed mange probably brought in from dog shelter. I always wash my hands and change. .. Is this not good enough? Up north we didnt have heart worm... Fleas were so not a worry.. No ticks no mange no humidity to harbor ear infection. Florida is a whole different ball game. How do you volunteer and keep your own babies healthy? Should I use revolution instead of interceptor? Thanks
    • Gold Top Dog

    No, don't use Revolution -- it fails a LOT here in Florida.  Interceptor doesn't fail -- and all-around it's safer (and would have, in fact, treated the sarcops -- that's why I asked you to email me)

    He could have caught sarcops from sniffing a dumpster or wildlife sarcops from coon droppings under a tree.  In the poorer areas I have actually seen people throw puppies IN A DUMPSTER -- you can routinely hear them cry in there because someone didn't bother to get their dog speutered (but that also tells you a lot about the home itself).

    Down here with the encroachment of civilization on all the wild areas, sarcops are becoming adept at crossing species lines.  You will need to keep Interceptor on hand in case you need to dose him with it in between.  LymeDip is also a good thing to keep on hand.  It's always a good go-to if you suspect sarcops.

    Typically in the hotter areas, my friends who volunteer at shelters don't just "change clothes" -- but rather change them several times.  Keep shoes that ONLY walk into the shelter, and shoes that ONLY go to your car again to be zipped in plastic before you change shoes before you step in the door.  Changing clothes multiple times is good -- stripping off at the door so you can BLEACH whatever you wore (even what you wore home -- because remember all those dogs probably walked IN the shelter so it's not just "in" the shelter you have to be cautious of).