So Pepper is out in Oregon with my husband. I was out there at Thanksgiving and she is pretty skinny. Probably underweight by about 2 or 3 pounds.
She does this kind of hack every now and then, but at least a couple times a day. One time while I was there, she hacked up spit/water but not stomach acid. The hack had flecks of bright red blood in it, not a lot, but it was there.
She is also not as hungry as she usually is. Pepper has always been our chow hound. Eating everything she could and she came to us as a table begger which we have not encouraged. This is the dog that would dance in place while waiting for her food to be put down for her. She no longer does that. She only eats 1/3 of her food in the mornings and sometimes she barfs it back up.
She HAS been to a vet already and will go back again. However the vet tried a round of antibiotics which haven't done anything. The vet suggested switching to wet food because she's slightly dehydrated so my husband is going to do that as well. They tested urine, poop and blood about two weeks ago.
She is on Ketaconazole and Atopica. One other thing was to reduce the Ket and see if that helps.
Anybody else have any similar experiences with their dog?