He had his heart work up first -- and it showed him skipping a beat occasionally so they gave him some atropine to level it out and did a re-do on the EEG ... and he did fine. So they gave it a go for surgery.
He actually removed *three* nipples -- two looked like the beginning stages of what this other one had previously, and the problem one. That danged thing actually had a tumor *inside* the nipple so Dr. Bailey sent it to pathology.
He doesn't think it's cancer but he didn't like the look of it so we'll see when that comes back.
Cleaned his toofers (but was tickled that the parboiled chicken backs I've been giving had cracked off so much tartar!!).
Took a wee tiny growth off his tongue.
He did FINE.
I had sticker shock when I picked him up -- last go around with the kidney stuff they did an ultrasound and I didn't realize they hadn't billed me for it then. So today (which wasn't cheap with all the heart stuff *and* surgery) had that $475 added onto it. *gulp* I wish they'd yanked my chain earlier -- I never meant not to pay for it and didn't realize that vet's bill hadn't come in yet.
He's SOUND asleep ... but he was trying to bother the stiches a bit on the way home so he's got 'nother shirt on.
I need to put some additional words in MY signature - it seems TYPICAL.
"The PUG is snoring!!"