Pfizer just bought out fort dodge!?!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pfizer just bought out fort dodge!?!

     Just got an email form the vet... I inquired about the new Lyme vax that the vet suggested to DH and she is now using a fort dodge vax. I remember something about not allowing fort dodge rabies vax I think it was. Been looking for the fort dodge thread and can't find anything. Anyway, the vet never told me what the vax name is so I could Google it or ask about it here... What do you think?

    I noticed that the rabies vax was a Pfixer killed virus... been meaning to ask the vet about that too... isn't the killed virus more likely to cause problems? So need your help here...


    eta: spelling

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ft. Dodge has been trying to ditch some of it's bad press and has broken up various pieces parts "sold" to other companies but pretty much it's all the "same old same old ..."

    My vet has switched to Merial for vaccines (not that they're blameless either but they seem marginally better). 

    If you want the best info on vaccines look up Kris Christine's posts on the Rabies Challenge Fund -- Dr. Schultz & the RCF have the best info on rabies vaccines around.

    Most particularly you want the "three year" vaccine -- NOT the annual.  They are the same vaccine (and I think rabies is a killed vax, but I'm honestly not sure).  Kris's links should help you tho.  (sorry, am at work so I can't reference it from here).