Posted : 10/18/2010 6:00:43 PM
I disagree wtih that 100%
When Muffin the Intrepid (buffy cocker -- mast cell tumor in the prepuce area) had his cancer surgery we KNEW they didn't get clear margins because there was no more tissue TO take. But he was a very active therapy dog who already WENT to cancer hospitals so to not give him chemo seemed cruel.
Now -- I hasten to add, we also did TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) along with that -- and there are herbs they use that literally made him have NO diarreha, NO upset stomach, etc .. he really suffered no ill effects at all.
Now at the same time I will say don't let chemo go on forever -- unfortunately Muffin's oncologist was herself a breast cancer survivor who thot she'd discontinued her own chemo too soon ... so she really wanted him on it LONG LONG term -- and I should have called a halt to it long before we did. Chemo is hard on the kidneys and after a few treatments I should have trusted the TCVM more and cut it off at the normal time. But because cockers are SO prone to mast cell we allowed them to talk us into almost a year of chemo and it killed his kidneys.
But I would do it again in a heartbeat on a limited "normal treatment" basis BUT I would definitely use the TCVM because the herbs were SO helpful to completely negate any bad side effects.
There was a powder I gave him four days before chemo and for 4-5 days after. He didn't like the taste of it so I mixed it with a little water and rolled it into "pills" and let them dry overnight and he took them FINE. -- that's the Chi Institute and there is a locator on the left. Feel free to email me if you want help looking for a vet who does TCVM -- this isn't instead of your vet -- this is literally 'complimentary therapy' but I tell you -- it is unbeatable.