Posted : 9/5/2010 4:20:13 PM
Just the fact it should not be given to dogs with any kind...foodenviromental, etc, says it all. I belong to several golden retriever forums and a few all breed, tho bcause of my vision trouble I do not visit and read like I use to. However, on every single one people are talking their dog being allergic to corn, to beef, to wheat, to fleas, to mold, etc, etc.
Allergies abound.
There are so many restrictions--do not give to dogs with allergies, to underweight dogs, ertc, that seems to really cut down on the amount odf dogs that should have it. When it came out the first time, it was declared to be safe for heartworm positive dogs, in conjunction with any vgaccines, antibiotics, etc. Heck, it was suppose to be as safe as a bottle of store bought water.
But then they had to change the label --do not give to heartworm positive dogs. Treat them first. I can't recall the 2ed warning, but the 3rd, the one that was put on the day Hunter got his fatal injection, included death.
Many of us who lost or almost lost a dog/dogs to ProHeart6 are still in close contact. We were so sad when we found it was being released again, but was glad to see that huge listing of warnings. Also, the vets had to take a computer course in order to get it. And even tho all during that first farce they denied those deaths/reactions was the fault oftheir product, this time they said it had been "reformulated" and the "residue thought to cause a few rections last time" had been remove.
Thank you for using Hunter's story. It will be 7 years ago come Oct. 16 that I lost him and I still miss that sweet gnetle boy so much. He had just turned 4 and never been sick til that poison started killing his liver and brought on the AIHA. If his death saved/saves another dog, well, it will not have been in vain.