Posted : 9/2/2010 2:08:31 PM
Because females squat, and particularly if they have longer coats that drag, that means that anything on that surface can crawl up the urethra. If she drank from a dish she'd probably get a systemic infection or in her ears -- rather than a UTI. e-coli is NOT uncommon as a UTI. Thankfully your vet did a culture and sensitivity to FIND it so it could be properly treated.
You might want to put her on something like d-mannose which helps ward off UTIs (it's similar to cranberry, altho far more effective - it's a form of glucose which causes the infection cells to bond to the glucose rather than being able to stick to the urinary tract -- it simply makes the infection cells too slippery to stick, and it's particularly effective with e-coli.
Now, she could have gotten the ecoli from anywhere -- the dog park or anywhere else.
You might try a diet that is without grain carbs -- e-coli loves to live in a grain-fed enviroment.