Posted : 6/19/2010 2:36:44 PM
Dr. Dodds tries to walk a very nearly impossible "line". She is not known as "holistic" ... she tries *HARD* to remain acceptable to the "regular" vets. Her background as the head of endocrinology at Michigan State University is impeccable and she was widely published while in tenure there. Her wholel focus isn't "traditional" nor "holistic" -- it simply is what benefits the animals.
Even now, aside from what she does at Hemopet (which is simply a blood bank for dogs that is national as well as a blood-testing facility) she is not only fully involved in the Rabies Challenge Study with Dr. Schultz, but she also has gone from one university vet hospital/facility after another helping train vets how to deal with auto-immune diseases (like IMHA and IMT) -- that's sort of a natural progression given her history/experience with the endocrine system and hemotology.
Much of it is simply that the more she researches the more she sees vaccines and environmental/pharmaceutical toxins as being the culprit for disease.
I think you will find there's not a huge difference between the US and Canada -- we simply *might* be a bit further in some areas only because folks like you find on this particular forum tend to be the sort to forge ahead with what we conclude to be right than merely to acquiesce to "whatever the vet says". And where some may avoid vets in order to avoid prescription pharmaceuticals, some of the rest of us have embraced holistic treatment and seek it out. That tends to be not just for animals but for personal health as well.
It's not easy -- there are STILL many, many vets (and human doctors) who are absolutely terrified of the word "holistic" as a threat to their livelihood. The more that medicine generally has become "medicine by numbers" rather than the "medical arts" it has reinforced the view that anything "holistic" or "natural" or "alternative" is UN-tested and therefor UN-reliable. That's unfortunate ... and, untrue.
I'm glad you're helping to spread the word. And it would please Dr. Dodds mightily to know her reputation is helpful and that her information is helpful. And that's how it IS spread .. person by person. Challenging someone to find out for themselves -- it's a big deal!! Good for you!