
    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm thinking Daisy has Alzheimer's Sad not sure what's up with her since losing her eye sight and eyes she'll just stand in a spot for minutes I was just on the computer turned around and she wasn't in her bed so thought she was in the living room looked she wasn't there, went back to the room turned the light on she's underneath the table in here just standing there.

    She makes no sound either when she's just standing there. I'm not sure what to do? Should I be worried? At night she'll pace but sometimes its because one of the other dogs are in a bed that she wants( I actually gotta make one of them get out because she won't stop) other times it's because she wants a bone (which she always gets) sometimes its for nothing, but most of the time it's the first two reasons.  It's like at night she wakes up during the day she spends most of it sleeping.

    I don't know what it is but it's sad to watch she'll be 14 in July, maybe she's just depressed? or bored? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure what the actual name for that type of behavior is.  But, I know it's not uncommon in dogs Daisy's age.  I'd call her vet and see what if anything you can do. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    if it is cognitive dysfunction, there are various meds they can try, as well as a prescription diet. Legend had it and,while we did not try the food, the meds helped for some tiime

    • Gold Top Dog

    Alzheimer's and "cognitive dysfunction" (or dementia) are two different things.  Alzheimer's is a human thing and it's different (similar but different) to dementia.  Dogs can get cognitive dysfunction/dementia (and again those are a bit different) just think of it as "not thinking straight" sort of.

    There are meds, there are herbs that can help.

     HOWEVER -- I'm going to also urge you to remember she's blind.  NOT all her life but in her old age.  So there are times when I'm betting she will just stand and sort of "information gather".  Maybe she's trying to remember how to get somewhere, maybe she's trying to figure out what you're doing.  Her ears may be fading -- so she may be just thinking.

    Now -- at the same time and elderly dog CAN get lost in thought.  Kee Shu used to start going somewhere and then stop ... and look around ... like "Hmm, I was on my way to .... SOME where?  But ... hmmm, I'm not sure!"

    I have a feeling the fact that Daisy is standing means she's information gathering.  Call her name.   Don't just feel sorry for her -- try to help her cope.  Pity will do little for her and it can make *you* treat her differently.  Maybe it's time to renew some of the scents you've put around (I think you did that??) and maybe take a walk around the house and garden -- talking to her about this and that so she gets help remembering what was where.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everyone, Yes I did do the scents I'll redo them. I know last night I did call her name out and with the light off I didn't know she was under the table she didn't make a sound then, she does walk around and then stops and just stands there, as I said before some days she's good and then others it's like she doesn't know anything or maybe she doesn't wanna know anything lol.

    I been trying to get her to play but she has no interest in anything really, except walking down the street with me, its a challenge doing that because she'll walk fine and then goes around me in a circle so its pretty funny when we try and make it down the block.