So, has anyone had experience with Vetmedin for CHF? Tiki's vet had lunch with the drug rep and he's made some special arrangements with her. I know it's expensive - one of the IMHA dogs is on it and I looked at the pricing on Dr's Foster and Smith and almost fell over. If I understood Dr. J's message correctly, it's a situation I should take advantage of - I'm not sure how much I should post on a public board, so please excuse my vagueness.
I know it sounds horrible, but I'm guessing one of the reasons the reps are doing this is to have their medication dispensed to a wider population, since it's a fairly new drug. I'm OK with Tiki being a 'test subject', I think, if in the long run it's going to help other dog with heart problems.
Really, I think we've just not got too much to lose. I don't post about her too often, but she's at the point where BF and I have discussed 'the end'. She does have a good quality of life for the most part, but she also can't *do* a lot of the things her Westie brain wants her body to do. She can't go up and down stairs, and she hasn't even been able to go for as long of walks like she used to be able to when we adopted her six months ago.