Posted : 3/10/2010 8:33:01 AM
Honestly, she doesn't look thin in that picture. Also, you have to remember they don't process food the same way when they are older, so you may not get any weight back on her. Agnes is somewhere between 12 - 15 and she is thin - and she eats 3 meals a day. I feed her that way because at the advanced age, it is easier for them to process smaller amounts of food more often.
As for her staring out into space (I realize she is completely blind), that is often a sign of canine cognitive disorder, which I don't believe is harmful to them. It's sort of a doggie Alzheimer's disease. I don't have a link, but you could probably google it.
It is hard to watch them age, but thank you for taking care of Daisy! So many people abandon these seniors when they need their humans the most - very sad.