I am a groomer by trade, a terrible perfectionist. I can count on my hand the number of times I've ever let my bichons air dry after a bath.
Today though, They got chicken grease on thier heads (don't ask LOL, no it was not hot, just drippy) so I had to wash them. I did not have time to blow dry every strand perfectly straight as per my usual "policy". I towel dried them, brushed though quickly with my t-brush (pin brush) so that they didn't have any tangles. And let them air dry.
Wouldn't you know they are darn cute curly! Plus, it wasn't much work! I am kindof thinking, aside from when they need trims, that I'll go with the air drying! I have been learning to let go of some of my perfectionist/ocd tendencies LOL, this might be a help!
It's embarrassing to me when people see them and they are all raggedy.
So there's my random observation :)