Posted : 12/13/2009 2:07:15 PM
She is ABSOUTELY right. Frontline is honestly one of the safest flea preparations out there ***BUT*** it can be a trigger (not a 'cause' but literally just the dominoe that triggers it) IMHA -- a/k/a immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
Go **now** and look at your dog's gums. Please do NOT wait. (and I'm going to email you as well just in case you don't see this right away).
IF the gums are pale go to an emergency vet **RIGHT AWAY** -- don't even wait for tomorrow. Don't try to "think about it" -- Johnny and I are very very well acquainted with this (far too much so, eh my friend?)
IMHA is treatable if you get it right away. But "lethargy" is often the first symptom and it is so easily rationalized.
There are many, many other triggers for IMHA, but a chemical, or toxin can often be the ultimate thing the body zeros in on.
there are other auto-immune diseases that are similar (thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, and others0 -- but essentially the body turns against itself and begins to destroy its own blood. hence the anemia.
I hope I'm simply pushing your buttons for nothing -- but when you get a reaction like that to Frontline it's sometimes the ONLY sign you get of the deeper problem afoot.