Posted : 12/9/2009 2:11:07 PM
Oh gosh...I just hit the jackpot. I went to a grocery store that is less than 5 min. from the one I always shop at..... this one has a butcher.....the other doesn't...but the give money back for gasoline....lol! So they had cut up knuckle bones...they were too small for Gibby..afraid he would try to swallow them whole. Asked for whole ones...they went and got me a giant one. YIKES...it was $5 plus. Trouble is I noticed it is frozen and it looks like a lot of white marrow on it and I have to take it off...Gibby is not used to eating marrow...and I dont' want him getting sick. So I am thawing it in the fridge for tomorrow. I hope this bone doesn't break all up.
Then............then I asked him if they have turkey necks...he went in the back and got 2 pkgs... but I told him I only want one because I only had a few bucks on me. How stupid....I never looked at the price of the necks....they were only 92 cents..I think there was 4 of them in the pkg....I sure should have gotten the other one. But he said they don't always have them there but I could call and order them. So I think I will do that and see if I can get a larger qty after the holidays..... right now I have to get stuff for us for the holidays. I am going to wrap each neck individually and I guess give them to him frozen...but not every day.
I also went to PS and bought more enzyme toothpaste...I did see the Petzlife..but didn't have $30 right now. So I thought.... its a start.
I looked at Gibbys teeth this morning..and they looks sooooo white and sparkly...but I know that he has some tartar that the vet showed me...probably way in the back.
J & T........ Gibby makes a mess too...but I put down a big fleece blanket thing that I let him eat it on....I make him stay on it until he is done. He listens. He seems to know when it won't make a mess anymore...because once in a while he ends up taking it to his bed where he gnaws a little while longer, but thats not until he has chewed it at least a half hour.