Posted : 11/22/2009 12:16:59 AM
Wow, I've never seen CA in dogs before. The differences in her movement in those two videos are huge.
I have seen it in an Arabian horse before, & it was really scary.
I don't know anything about treating something like this. Obviously, she's already seen a neurologist to be diagnosed so, if she were mine and the neurologist didn't have a specific treatment plans, I would probably have her seen by an acupuncturist, just in case there was something that they could do to help her balance.
I personally have a "wobbler" and our plan for him is to let him live his life to the fullest. We do try to minimize risks of him injuring himself, but at the end of the day, we let him be himself. If there comes a day when he can't live a life where he can be comfortable, happy, & pain free, then it will be my responsibility to help him over the bridge.