Positive Thoughts and Vibes Needed for Tessy

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't forget you *can* use chamomile (steep it strong, and add the wet herbs to her food -- give to her by syringe or add a bit of honey or meat juice to it and often they'll lick it up). to help reduce the jaw pain.

    The compresses are a good idea.


    • Gold Top Dog

     Sounds like you are doing all the sensible things - hope it all works out for Tessy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everybody for their good thoughts, wishes and prayers. 

    You know Callie you must've been reading my mind cause I was thinking about the tea last night and was going to ask about it.  I was wondering how much to give or if too much can be given.

    Tessy is doing about the same today as yesterday.  She doesn't seem to be in pain as far as yelping goes.  Maybe that's just her way of hiding the pain?

    Johnny & Tessy

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just wondering if anybody has ever had to deal with this (retrobulbar abscess) and if so did you have to get it drained?  Did just regular antibiotics clear it up and if so how long did it take?  Just trying to figure out my likely options/answers.

    I was also wondering if the lymph nodes under the jaw on the neck being slightly enlarged would be due to this or if this might be something totally different.  The lymph node on the same side as the abscess is slightly larger than the other (although it was a little enlarged before due to the anemia).  Can an infection in the same area cause this?


    Johnny & Tessy

    • Gold Top Dog


    ust wondering if anybody has ever had to deal with this (retrobulbar abscess) and if so did you have to get it drained?  Did just regular antibiotics clear it up and if so how long did it take? 

      Jessie had an abscess on the side of her head several years ago and the antibiotics cleared it up. It should clear up by the time Tessy finishes the meds but I'd certainly contact the vet if you don't think it's gone by then. With the IMHA, she may respond slower than if she wasn't immune compromised. I'm glad she seems to be doing a little better and will keep her in my thoughts.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I was also wondering if the lymph nodes under the jaw on the neck being slightly enlarged would be due to this or if this might be something totally different.  The lymph node on the same side as the abscess is slightly larger than the other (although it was a little enlarged before due to the anemia).  Can an infection in the same area cause this?

    I haven't dealt with this type of abscess before, but the lymph node swelling can be caused by the abscess.  Our foster dog had a tooth root abscess the week before she came to us.  It was on her right side, &  the right lymph node under her jaw, as well as the one in front of her shoulder blade were both swollen.  We had our vet check her, & after hearing about the tooth root abscess, he was confident that it was just caused by the infection.  Both nodes were back to normal in around 10 days.