Reoccuring stye?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Reoccuring stye?

    Eh, I'm not sure what to do about Summer's eye. On the one hand, the stye isn't swollen like last time. On the other hand, it seems to have popped and keeps re-opening every day and bleeding pretty bad every day. It'll look like it's healed then I'll notice it later and it's bleeding again. But it's not a very big wound so I don't know if the vet can actually do anything. Last time she had a stye they put her on antibiotics to clear it up, but it hadn't opened like this. I don't want to bring her in for nothing but I do want her eye to heal up fast. Here's how it looks now (warning some blood):



    As opposed to the last time:


     What do you think I should do?  It's only been 4 months since the last time it popped up. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    It looks like a meibomian gland cyst or tumor.  Generally, they aren't cancerous, but as they grow, they can cause damage to the eye.  The easiest way to deal with it is to have it removed surgically.  A laser is perfect for that type of tumor excision.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Vet *defiinitely* -- usually stuff like that isn't merely a stye.  Foxy had to have one removed and it stayed gone.  It takes the eye a while to heal -- 2+ weeks until stitches removed rather than the typical week because the eye is moist.  And YES YES she will have to wear an e-collar (they can literally blind themselves scratching at eye sutures).

    But these things can turn nasty if not treated and the fact that it is bleeding -- it needs to be seen a.s.a.p.

    • Gold Top Dog
    THe vet the last time said he was 99% sure it was just a stye and nothing else. He couldn't see anything it in to cause an infection and wanted to avoid surgery if at all possible. I am kind of baffled it came back so fast (it's only been 6 months since her last stye was treated). The problem is I'm now 7 hours away and she's not been seen by the vet here yet. I'll get her an appointment with the new vet though tomorrow if they have an opening.
    • Gold Top Dog

    My vet said similiar when Foxy's came up -- "wait and see" -- but if it 'changes' or 'begins to bother' -- then we had to do something.  The fact that it's repeatedly rupturing isn't good and can cause deep infection if nothing else.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Here's how it looks now that it's not bleeding. I can't get her in until tomorrow at the earliest.