Heart problems in seniors, any help is appreciated.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was going to say you could get it via TCVM.com -- from Dr. Xie's "Jing Tang" herbals.  They'll tell her what to get I'm sure (Dr. Xie's ties with China are strong -- every few years he goes back there to help train Chinese vets --isn't that something??  Going back 'home' to teach?)

    I know Dr. DiNatale said she used to make her own formula but there are a couple of the herbs that are now very difficult to get here so that's why  we use Dr. Xie's.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have checked out the catalogue and site before, it's an online store only for vets to purchase, I need an account sign-up with a vet ID.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Lee debbie
    I have checked out the catalogue and site before, it's an online store only for vets to purchase, I need an account sign-up with a vet ID.

    I meant for your vet to buy it -- ALL the formulas in the Chinese herbs vary from company to company a GREAT deal -- it's not usually that my vet doesn't like A or B -- but rather she'll pick from one company vs another simply because "for this dog this is a better formula"

     I'm astonished your TCVM vet isn't picking the formula for you is all.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She did! Previously she got the di gu pi san, body sore and heart qi tonic. She told me today that she's gonna be ordering one specifically for incontinence to take on top of the KB-C. I hope that would eliminate her accidents.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lee debbie
    She told me today that she's gonna be ordering one specifically for incontinence to take on top of the KB-C. I hope that would eliminate her accidents.


      Good luck Debbie; I hope the herbs do the trick. Jessie is 14 and is incontinent in her sleep. She tends to lay in certain areas in the house, so I place bath rugs where she likes to lay, with puppy pads under them. I have extra bath rugs of course and when she has an accident, I change the rug and replace the pad underneath. I use bath rugs because they're very washable. The system has worked well for us; maybe it would work for you? I'm so glad their stools are better.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I do use underpads and slip it between the sheets and their beddings so I only need to wash the sheets and sun the mattress when accidents happen. So far it hasn't been bad but with age, I'm foreseeing it's only gonna get worse. And because after the first few accidents on the mattress could have fully absorbed the pee, some smell might still linger on and that could be causing her to go back to pee again. I don't really know, but she does lie in the wet portion after. I just need to keep her dry and clean up her bottom after any accidents before I get a new problem - skin issues. :)