Posted : 5/26/2011 11:20:11 AM
I'm straddling both sides of this fence because I've literally faced both problems.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis is literally heartbreaking -- all it takes is ONE flea bite (much less several) to cause them months of absolute agony - this isn't like seasonal allergies at all. Once the bite takes place you get this HUGE backlash of inflammation and horrifically sore skin, and honestly -- despite my holistic leanings (and I do more than just "lean";) I have seen the time when absolutely NOTHING will work but prednisone (even when a shot starts it off).
As Jackie so astutely says steroids aren't to be used for every little problem (anc can be seriously over-used at times) BUT there are some conditions where they are just plain the BEST (and nearly "only";) option.
Yes, the effects wear off, and even if you have to use them a bit longer you can mitigate those damages with copious use of milk thistle.
However -- going back up to the top I understand completely why John reacted as he did. And ... for "maintenance" (particularly with regards to help control some of the fierce un-relenting itching) there *are* herbs that can help with less damage. But they aren't going to completely handle it and you do need to usually start off on steroids.
Beejou -- if you want to email me I can send you some suggestions of things to help further take the edge off and not make him feel yucky. I've had dogs with FAD but I also battle psoriasis (and the itch of that is extremely comparable) and I can actually tell you some stuff that will help a whole lot. But am at work and can't take more time to type it out now. That steroid shot is gonna wear off way too fast tho ... I'd be astonished if you get a full 2 weeks of respite for him.
Flea allergy dermatitis is way up there on the itch scale with things like poison ivy and psoriasis and sarcoptic mange. It is actually very simliar in many ways to psoriasis (except it's not auto-immune, thank heavens).