Posted : 7/31/2010 4:45:26 PM
BEEJOU ****be careful** -- many of the human prescriptions have acetaminaphen in them and that is DEADLY to a dog.
Tramadol isn't in my Pill Book -- so I don't have a dose for you. Honestly, I would *not* use it. Tramadol is specifically a pain killer and often with a dog that may *not* be desirable because it can tend to make them feel free to be too active.
Don't give anything with Tylenol in it at all and you have to be super careful with aspirin. Chamomile is better honesty -- and a little relaxant like valerian or passionflower will help a little aspirin go further.
Aspirin dose is 5-15 mg/lb given twice or three times a day. I'd honestly give that with some slippery elm to protect the stomach (yes, it can cause stomach bleeding). But I have a feeling the vet would have given you tramadol if he'd thot it wise.
Pain for a dog can be a good thing -- that sounds hard-hearted, but you don't want him to over-do (which is a dog thing to do if they feel at all well).
If he's acting lethargic and unwell, I'd tell you to go back to an e-vet rather than just medicate yourself becuase it could too easily be some injury not diagnosed yesterday.