Came home and they had overturned our step-open, supposedly dog-proof trash can. Bad thing is, yesterday I had put a bag of grapes in the trash. Yes, they found them. Now I found the bag of grapes, still full, on the loveseat, but also found one stem on the floor, stripped clean. No idea which one ate them, or both.
So I called my vet, and told him that my best guess is that one or both of them ate the grapes off the stem, probably 10-15 grapes on the stem. He said based on their weight and the amount of grapes, he's not concerned about kidney issues, unless they start showing signs of upset.
Of course, I immediately gave them both peroxide as soon as I got home (based on the fact that the almost-full bag was still there, they must have gotten into it right before I got home). Harry has puked, and there were some grapes in the vomit. Sammy, who has had more peroxide than Harry, hasn't puked yet. I've dosed him twice in the last hour. Should I dose him again? I think he wants to vomit, but he's fighting it (he's burping a lot).
Any other advice? Vet said to look out for vomiting (which of course I am trying to make happen) and diarrhea. Both dogs have pooped already, both normal.
Ooooh, bad, bad boys!!! Why do you worry me so???