Posted : 5/8/2015 12:12:00 PM
To start on a positive note, my first comment is to say I'm really glad the page number issue has been fixed quickly. Sure, there are loads of things I don't like about the last format change, and I realize some of them are probably complex fixes, but not being able to click on page numbers within a specific thread was driving me batty, so I'm thankful that was addressed quickly.
I'd also like to say I wasn't fond of the OP's avatar either, so I'm glad that has been changed. I understand if there were good intentions behind the choice of the name and avatar, but as someone who has a pittie mix and who tries as best I can to do things that don't feed the negative stereotypes about pitbull type dogs, the original avatar rubbed me the wrong way since it looked like a pittie silhouette. Thanks for changing it.
When I first saw the thread title, I thought of a few things I'd like to suggest for the "to be addressed/fixed" list, but I had to wait until I had time to type a longer post. When I went back to it yesterday, I was shocked to see the tone taken by the OP in response to members comments. I think Glenda and others have given a good explanation of the history here, the reasons why most of us feel the way we do, and where some of our cynicism and frustration comes from. Yesterday was the first time I've seen LONG-TERM members being treated rudely, rather than with patience and professionalism. I hope it was just a bad start and that the OP aims to keep the discussion positive and productive going forward, with members being able to give honest feedback without being berated.
Having said all that, the first couple things I'd suggest are probably things that have already been mentioned. Mainly, I dislike all clutter -- I don't think it's helpful to users, it makes a site less user-friendly and impossible to navigate. I understand some level of ads and such are needed, but please keep them to a minimum if possible.
Also, I know everything is about graphics and motion and color these days, but I believe simpler is better. Heck, the old fashioned linear format would suit me fine, but I know I'm a dinosaur. So, my suggestion is a happy medium -- a less cluttered layout, fewer graphics and images (except for photos and such people want to post within threads).
Finally, is it possible to have fewer "subject areas" instead of dozens of categories and sub-categories? I would like to see when I log in fewer than 10 categories/sections I can visit. For example:
General Chat (dog-related)
Medical Issues
Behavior & Training
Competitive & Recreational Activities (agility, rally, flyball, etc.)
Puppy Specific Issues
Senior Specific Issues
Rainbow Bridge/Spiritual Circle
Non-Dog Related Chat
Obviously, there could be sub-categories under some of these major groups as needed (for example, the IMHA thread flagged right at the top of Medical), but again -- simple is better, IMO. As someone else said, there may be a ton of new threads started all over the place, but in the clutter of it all, I tend to ignore all of them and just find the one or two threads I'm interested in.
A key thing in reducing the clutter is to eliminate the spam posts ASAP! It's like grafitti - you've got to cover it up right away or the offenders will keep spraying paint. Too much junk has been posted here and allowed to remain for weeks - it is unacceptable.
Honestly, even if some real improvements are made, I'm doubtful the "old-timers" would return, as everyone has found other means of keeping in touch (e.g., Facebook). But, maybe there's a chance the forum can become something useful for new people who find their way here, even if the handful of us hangers-on go off into the sunset.