I stopped into the humane society today to pay Trinket a visit. She was nowhere to be found. I talked with one of the staff members who said her temperament had been re-evaluated...and she was deemed unadoptable. The behaviorist found she was highly unpredictable and on top of that, attempted to actually kill the dogs she was fine with one minute, and snapped on the next. She described her behavior as "Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde" and that there were *no* warning signs. Just 0-100 instantly. I returned her to the shelter because of how unpredictably aggressive she was being. I keep trying to tell myself *I* didn't cost her her life... but I feel responsible. I "told" on her and brought her back. Logically I know that's incorrect, but it's hard to deal with the guilt. This humane society has lots of dog aggressive/no kids/etc dogs and they rarely put a dog down for issues that are behavioral. The woman I spoke with said based on her eval. she honestly thought she might have a brain tumor or something similar. It was the desire to actually kill another animal and how random it was that was the kicker.
So, goodbye Trinket. I'm so , so sorry for whatever caused you to act out. I KNOW you were a really,great dog, and something was marring that. It didn't make you bad, and though I only knew you briefly, I love you. I don't know who had you before I did, but I'm glad I could give you vanilla ice cream in bed and loving snuggles. Go find Roscoe, my heart dog. He's there somewhere. Now that you aren't suffering from whatever conditition was ailing you, I know you'll love to play with him. I hope when it's my turn to cross over, you choose to be there with my other dogs who have gone before you and will come after you. Maybe we couldn't be a family on earth, but I know we can in heaven.