Avatars, Signatures and Photo Upload - Here's How

    • Gold Top Dog

    Avatars, Signatures and Photo Upload - Here's How

    Link: [url=http://community.dog.com/forums/t/54305.aspx]How to Start a Photobucket Account[/url]

    Edit Profile
    Profile Settings
    Avatar Tab

    Enable Avatar is set to "Yes"


    Click Browse and find your avatar picture on your computer
    Click on the picture


    Put the direct link to your avatar picture in the window. Example: http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o19/CaraMia_photo_album/Conformation4.jpg

    Hit "Save

    Edit Profile
    Profile Settings

    Add the address of your signature (http://i116.photobucket.com/...JB4.jpg) and surround it with img tags

    For example, this is what's in my signature window::

     [ color=blue ][ size=3 ]~ Carla ~[ /size ][ /color ]
     [ img ]http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o19/CaraMia_photo_album/TestSig2.jpg[ /img ]
    (Without the spaces)

    Hit "Save

    Uploading Photos:
    You can upload photos into your dog.com gallery OR link to them in your posts.  

    To upload to your gallery:

    Edit Profile
    Upload a Photo

    Upload file from your computer by using the Browse Button then SAVE
    Then fill in the Subject (required) and the other fields (optional)

    Then Save and Continue Writing or Publish

    When you hit your Photo button, the new photo should be in your gallery.

    To upload into posts:

    From a host site:

    Copy the "IMG Code" below your picture in photobucket and paste it into your reply window - it's a preformatted link so you don't need to do anything else.


    Above the reply window, in the same line as the Bold and Italics symbols, there is a small picture of a tree. Click on that and a window will open. Copy the "Direct Link" below your picture in photobucket and paste it in the space after "Image URL"

    Click Insert

    To upload from your gallery into posts:

    The Content Selector will eventually be working and that's the tool to use.   

    Click on the Content Selector
    After it loads, find your gallery name on the left and click on it.
    Click on the picture you want in your post or upload a photo into your gallery from your computer.
    Choose the size you wish your photo to appear and click OK

    Note: You can resize your photo in one of 2 ways:

    1. Before clicking Insert, type the desired dimensions in the "dimensions" section. 450 - 550 pixels generally makes a nice sized photo. But be aware that if you don't keep the same ratio of pixels as the original, the picture may look "stretched".

    2. When your image appears in the reply window, it can be resized by clicking on the image and then placing the cursor on one of the corners of the image and dragging it to the desired size. This preserves the original ratio.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    Thank you for the instructions and also the notification that the avatar upload feature from user profile is operational.  When the procedures are so well written, it is snap to put pictures in a post.  Thanks again.

    My avatar is Drizzle (right) and Blizzard (left) when they were Great Dane puppies, 9 years ago.  Aren't they cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

     They are adorable! I love Great Danes!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Bump Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you so much for all this wondeful advice...I will try again :):)

    Oh Why did it all have to changeCrying

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for posting all these practical info, Carla. Got the avatar and signature working.

    I tried to put pics in the gallery this morning. I am on a PC using IE7. I am going in PhotoBucket and selecting the "direct link" option to put into the spot that asks for the URL ? All that comes out is little red boxes with a X. I've gone to other peoples' gallery pics, some of them show up fine, some are just like mine. Anybody knows what I am doing wrong ?

    Also, I accidentally put tags in when I first tried to set up the gallery. They show as subfolders. They are empty right now. How do I get rid of them ?

    I filled in a feedback form but since it is clearly not an emergency, I thought that asking here could perhaps get me info quicker.

    ETA I spoke too quick about the avatar. It is gone now.

    • Gold Top Dog
    If you copy the Img link below your picture in photobucket you can paste it into your reply window and your picture will appear - it's a preformatted link so you don't need to do anything else. That's new with this version of dog.com. I've been using the Img link on all other boards, but when I tried it on this board before the software update it didn't work, the link showed instead of the picture. Glad that's changed, I kept forgetting, and having to back and copy a different link to make it work.
    • Gold Top Dog


    I tried to put pics in the gallery this morning. I am on a PC using IE7. I am going in PhotoBucket and selecting the "direct link" option to put into the spot that asks for the URL ?

    I'm not sure if you can link to hosted pictures for the gallery. I would just upload them from your computer following the instructions above for  Uploading to your Gallery instead of using the direct links.

    Unfortunately I can't reach anywhere on the board except the forum right now, so I can't test it. I can't get to my own profile or get my PMs... They're just sitting up there taunting me... Tongue Tied


    All that comes out is little red boxes with a X. I've gone to other peoples' gallery pics, some of them show up fine, some are just like mine. Anybody knows what I am doing wrong ?

    You may not be doing anything wrong, but try directly uploading them from your computer and see if you have any better luck.  Different people are able to do different things, so you may be doing everything fine with your avatar, but your account is messed up (like mine) and it's not showing right now. Hopefully, one day you will log on and it will appear. For now, I'd just move on and wait till things on the board are working better and see if it shows up.

    Also, I accidentally put tags in when I first tried to set up the gallery. They show as subfolders. They are empty right now. How do I get rid of them ?

    Is there an "Edit Tags" link anywhere? Because you should be able to delete them by clicking on that link. Sorry I can't get there to see.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cassidys Mom
    If you copy the Img link below your picture in photobucket you can paste it into your reply window and your picture will appear - it's a preformatted link so you don't need to do anything else.


    Thank you! I'll add that to the original post! Yes 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Carla, I realized the change by accident. In my intro thread I tried to post a pic of the dogs and it showed the link instead of a picture. I was able to get the picture to show in the next post, but I noticed that now, the picture is in both posts.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks all.

    Uploading to gallery and to avatar indeed works fine if the pics are located on the computer. I guess that we will be able to link to hosting sites later because the option is there asking for a URL, just seems not to be working at the moment. I'll try periodically and let you all know if it starts working (or if I hear from tech support).

    • Gold Top Dog



    Above the reply window, in the same line as the Bold and Italics symbols, there is a small picture of a tree. Click on that and a window will open. Copy the "Direct Link" below your picture in photobucket and paste it in the space after "Image URL"

    Click Insert

    FourIsCompany,  It may be worth mentioning in your original post that when you do the "Direct Link" option and the image appears in the Edit Form, you can resize it by clicking on the image and placing the cursor on one of the corners of the image.  The "place" box also has a image size numbers that you can also change.

    Blizzard as a puppy

    • Gold Top Dog

    DPU, Thanks for that info! I put it in there.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks Carla


     I need help with the signature thingy, I will give it a try with your instructions.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Let me know if you have ANY problems. I'll be back tomorrow.
