Avatars, Signatures and Photo Upload - Here's How

    • Gold Top Dog


    DPU, Thanks for that info! I put it in there.  

    Your welcome, but when resizing in the Edit box, the imaging ratio is not preserved.  You have to manually eyeball it.  Usually if you hold the shift-key down, that does it, but that did not work on my home pc.  I am sure it will be noticed and fixed but that is not important now.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Your welcome, but when resizing in the Edit box, the imaging ratio is not preserved.


    It is preserved for me... I'm using Firefox. You're talking about manually dragging the corner of the picture with the mouse, right?  That's what I did with both these pictures and it worked fine. I even tried to stretch it out. No dice. There's even a little shadow box right inside the corner I'm dragging that shows the pixel dimensions, so I can make it exactly as big as I want.



    • Gold Top Dog


    Your welcome, but when resizing in the Edit box, the imaging ratio is not preserved.


    It is preserved for me... I'm using Firefox. You're talking about manually dragging the corner of the picture with the mouse, right?  That's what I did with both these pictures and it worked fine. I even tried to stretch it out. No dice. There's even a little shadow box right inside the corner I'm dragging that shows the pixel dimensions, so I can make it exactly as big as I want.



    Not for me as you can see, I have to eyeball.  I am using IE7 at work, IEs6 at home and at home I use AOL.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Your welcome, but when resizing in the Edit box, the imaging ratio is not preserved.


    It is preserved for me... I'm using Firefox. You're talking about manually dragging the corner of the picture with the mouse, right?  That's what I did with both these pictures and it worked fine. I even tried to stretch it out. No dice. There's even a little shadow box right inside the corner I'm dragging that shows the pixel dimensions, so I can make it exactly as big as I want.




    Your welcome, but when resizing in the Edit box, the imaging ratio is not preserved.


    It is preserved for me... I'm using Firefox. You're talking about manually dragging the corner of the picture with the mouse, right?  That's what I did with both these pictures and it worked fine. I even tried to stretch it out. No dice. There's even a little shadow box right inside the corner I'm dragging that shows the pixel dimensions, so I can make it exactly as big as I want.



    I can resize yours going back to the "Tree" and setting the dimension numbers but no for me the image diminsions are not locked when grabbing the corner.


    I can also copy your picture in my response and then resize it again.  Hey, I just saw that if I don't have matching "]quote] ]/quote], I get an error message that says "Non matching quote blocks in post".

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am using IE7 at work, IEs6 at home and at home I use AOL.


    Firefox rocks!

    I hate seeing that squished picture of my babies!  LOL (jk)

    I am planning on writing a thread with quote instructions and whizzy quote features. This is really much better than any other forum software I've seen.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Look at this, I am able to copy a signature picture into the Message form.




    • Gold Top Dog

    Look at this, I am able to copy picture from a "Quote", copy a picture from Select Content (hope Ixas_girl does mind) and copy a picture from Direct link.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the info! Was wondering how to get my siggy pic in here ... hope it works now :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't get in to edit my profile either. It just gives me that "oops" message.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Carla, the teacher in me just wanted to say how nicely you stated your instructions in your original post.  A thank you for putting it so succinctly.  This should preclude mods from having to repeat the same thing again & again.  I didn't have any problems with my avatar & siggy the first try, but I see many people ARE having difficulties.  These things are not always intuitive.    Your help on this forum has been very apparent even with my brief membership.  I "take note" when I see your posts (siggy) because you explain using clear, concise instructions!  You're a great "reference tool".  Yes

    • Gold Top Dog

    Carla, the teacher in me just wanted to say how nicely you stated your instructions in your original post. 


    Thank you! I'm all about approval from the teachers! LOL  

    This should preclude mods from having to repeat the same thing again & again. 


    That was exactly my hope and intent.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Can we get this one stickied? I think it's helpful for new members.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok -- I'm truly not an internet idiot, but please use non-photobucket terms.

    Photobucket wants my CELL number -- no way am I gonna give ANYONE my cell number for spam I have to pay to get.  b/c I got royally ticked off ... now they are harassing me via email because I didn't 'complete' my registration when they got snotty about giving them my cell -- why would a picture place online need MY cell number? no way.

    Soooooo is the *only* way i can post pictures is for them to be somewhere else online??  Or in my 'gallery'??   I've got pics in my gallery and I still can't figure how to post them.

    Does the "gallery" have  a max?  Can I delete pictures FROM the gallery?  I haven't been putting much there cos I'm afraid it's 'permanent'.  Or is the gallery dog.com's way in THIS software of letting you upload pictures to put in a post - it's just a longer, more involved process to post a picture than it was in the old format? (oops -- critical girl here)

    I need the concept here I guess -- a simple sentence like "You can't store pics on Dog.com any more - you have to have them posted somewhere on line and then just link to the picture." 

    All the photobucket terms are completely confusing to me and I probably have a major attitude about them now (*rubbing toe in dirt*)

    Are you just using photobucket as one option?  I'll use my own website if I need to -- I just need simple instructions (I know you're trying but it's all buzz words to me, sorry!  *sigh* I've been trying to do this for months now).  I'm just frustrated.  I saved this post to go back to it when I got time and it's still greek.  Sorry - -I'm not usually a dork.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Photobucket wants my CELL number


    I don't have a cell phone. I just skipped that part.

    Try imageshack.


    I've got pics in my gallery and I still can't figure how to post them.


    The instructions are in the original post...  

    To upload from your gallery into posts:

    The Content Selector will eventually be working and that's the tool to use.   

    Click on the Content Selector
    After it loads, find your gallery name on the left and click on it.
    Click on the picture you want in your post or upload a photo into your gallery from your computer.
    Choose the size you wish your photo to appear and click OK


    I'll use my own website if I need to

    Do that! LOL If you can store pics on your website, that would work. Just somewhere on line.  

    I can help you tomorrow. And I will, gladly. My hubby just got home after a week outta town... I'll check back tomorrow if you're still having trouble.  


    • Gold Top Dog

    You are a sweetie and I was a Friday nite crabby!!  LOL  I'll try again tomorrow.