Posted : 5/19/2012 3:10:54 PM
I tell her all the time about how everyone here is pulling for her.
That sounds crazy but it IS important. When Billy was up in ICU at Univ. FL I used to send him a FAX **every day** (they were 3 hours away). I would cut out the posts from here (this was before the IMHA thread started) so his students could read to him "Glenda says 'Billy get BETTER' " and "Gina says "Billy 30?? WOW!!"
They LOVE to hear their name -- and because David and I talk about all the dogs on here, they were names that were familiar to im. David, too, used to send me an email that I printed out to fax up there. Billy's principal student, Eric told me later that at first it was a bit embarassing to "read to a dog" BUT he said Billy LOVED IT -- after he was done he would put the paper in his crate and he'd paw some of them back and forth like he was really reading it! But then other students saw how much fun Billy had and it became quite the cool thing to be the one to read Billy his fax for the day".
Now -- most of you know my dogs DO read and they DO post (well, Charlie's now learning -- I"m seeing things re-arranged at the computer desk -- as long as he doesn't knock my Kindle off I'm good with it -- but with that he can increase the size of the print!! Yes, I am NUTS).
One ting I want to say in response to the loss of Melvin to Miss April -- IN one of your posts you mentioned in your frustration you didn't WANT to know what caused the IMHA ...
but honeslty, now you *DO*.
I've said a million times - no one "Knows what IMHA is" until their dog gets sick. And that's honestly SAD. Because too often we are simply going along with ANYTHING some vet suggests. Annual vaccines? DANGEROUS. Those of us with IMHA dogs *now* know that. Systemic chemicals (like spot on fleat/heartworm meds that go thru the skin and STAY in the body -- DANGEROUS).
If you know what can trigger IMHA you can avoid it better next time. Not always ... some breeds are super hard-wired for IMHA.
But often the best ambassador is the person who has lost a dog to IMHA. We get down right passionate about it.