I'm sorry but I need to vent

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm sorry but I need to vent

    We have a problem neighbor, as you know I have three  wonderful Border Collies, from the time they were little we had a problem with our neighbor's 5 year old son who would continuely run up to my puppies everytime I had them outside.  He would then hit them on the head when I allowed him to pet them.  Of course his parents did nothing to teach him!!!!  We had a incident with this kid and Maverick became very scared of little people.  We have worked with a behaviorist for the past year to help him get over this fear (I'm happy to say it is working)!  Anyway, to make matters worse they bought a lab puppy a year ago, may I add without a fenced in yard!!  We have had to put up a vinyl privacy fence to avoid any kind of conflict, yes the kid still teases the dogs!! 

    Today I as loading up my car with stuff for Goodwill, their Lab got loose, well the mom comes through my front yard calling her husband every name in the book, telling me how much her husband hates their dog and he was the one who thought the 5 year old should have a dog.  This dog  is NEVER exercised, always on a leash, I think you have the picture!!!!  She finally got the dog and as she is walking by, I notice he is not nuetered!!  I asked her about this and she said , "oh we want to breed for a puppy!!!!!!!!!  I feel really bad for this dog, their is nothing I can do, as far as physical abuse is not apparent.....

    Why do people wo can't control their children get a dog??  Thanks for listening!!





    • Gold Top Dog
    Ugh, what an all around annoying situation. Sorry you have to deal with that and I feel sorry for the dog not being well taken care of. :( It sounds like they're on their way to becoming backyard breeders too...
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks, they are changing the dog laws in PA to stop the puppymills and backyard breeders, or should I say not responsible breeders.  It really is a shame, either the dog is either going to get out and get hit by a car or worse yet hurt the kid--thing is the kid doesn't even play with the dog!!!     

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, I so hear you.I feel so badly for the lab.  It's people like your neighbor that make me want to do a commando run & steal the dog.  I know you can't do that but it's fun to dream about it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't stand it when people don't teach their kids how to behave around dogs. I volunteered at a shelter once and one of the dogs was returned because the 3 year old kept hitting it in the head and throwing his toys at it. the dog didn't do anything to the kid. teach the kid not to hit the dog. simple,  right?  I guess that was too much trouble for the parents.

    • Gold Top Dog

    GRRRR...I think I live down the street from your neighbor's twin.

    Good news/bad news: If the lab gets completely unmanageable they will probably get rid of him.....and then wait a year and get another breed and a "dog that behaves better"Angry My neighbors went through three dogs in 5 years this way. Their kids are equally out of control and do NOT understand boundaries. These kids think nothing of going into a neighbor's yard (uninvited) to play on their swingsets or with their toys---even at 6 am!

    Angry When my inlaws were here they unwisely let one of the wild children use our downstairs bathroom----the kid snuck up to the spare room on our THIRD floor and went through my father in law's suitcase! FIL came in (the kids were outside playing) to check on the kid to see if he was sick and found the boy pulling clothes out of his suitcase. 

    Self defense suggestion: 

    If this kid is teasing/hurting your dogs and you have been direct with the parents (Please tell your child to leave my dogs alone!) and they are useless, then you'll have to be super direct with the kid. When he is doing something to hurt/intentionally irritate your dogs, interupt him, get down on his level, make eye contact and speak in a firm, loud, clear, level (not angry) voice and smile. Ask him "Did you know you are hurting/teasing my dogs?" Make him answer yes or no. Pretend that you believe he is a nice kid who would never hurt a dog---use short sentences and tell him he's bothering them. If you have a dog right there who likes kids, have the kid ask the dog to sit or down and give the dog a treat. Praise the kid for doing it right. Model petting the dog nicely and praise praise praise when the kid does it right. Ask the kid a question "what do you like about dogs?" Repeat positive reinforcement when you encounter him especially if you have a dog with you.

    This is NOT your kid and you shouldn't have to teach him how to treat dogs, but it is in your dog's best interests to change this kid's behavior. If you talk to the kid and treat him like you expect him to be a great animal lover he should respond. 

    I know he was rough with your dogs in the past and hurt Maverick somehow---but if that was over a year ago then the kid was 4 years old? Three? At that age kids should be learning to be gentle with animals but they can't be expected to fully comprehend the consequences of their actions (why can't I hold his tail?) and empathy for other creatures/people is still developing.

    Maybe I am wrong and the kid is a psycho in training----but if he isn't and you can teach him to be good to animals then your dogs, his dog and ALL the animals he's in contact with for the next 8 decades will thank you.Big Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    How irritating, I hate when idiots get dogs, than decide to "breed them", yeah the world really needs another BYB ugh!!!!!   I taught my kids how to behave around dogs well before we even got one, honestly it's for their own safety. A five year old hitting dogs is not safe, a good way to get bitten, which the mother should have realized, especially with three dogs living next door. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you all for your support!!  We have tried to talk to the little boy and tell him (in a very nice voice) not to bark at the dogs, not to throw grass over the fence, etc.  His father was outside and did absolutely nothing, I asked him nicely to HELP and he told me that his child could do whatever he wanted in his yard-----then the kid went on to yellthe same thing to me and told me my dogs were crazy!!!  Hence; the fence went up!!!  Thank heavens we taught "leave it", "it's ok", etc at a young age to our boys.  All I have to do is say this to them and they come back with me, away from the fence. 

    Thanks again, this has been a very frustrating situation for us, we try do always do the right things with the boys and it is very frustrating when you have ONE bad neighbor and what makes matters worse is that they don't take care of their dog!!!!





    • Gold Top Dog

    BECAUSE THEIR IDIOTS!!!!  I guess they figured we don't have a kid who is behaved, maybe the dog will be!  Yeah, right!!!  I have to ask, why is their son still able to tease your dogs?  Is he doing this over the fence, or what?  I don't understand.  If he continued to pester my dogs, I would have to say something to them.  Also, from what you explained about your neighbors, they may not have that dog long enough to breed.  Unfortunately, if their son was that agressive to your dogs, he'll be that way w/ the lab, and (hopefully nothing seriously) he will snap eventually, and that will be the end of that. 

    I'm glad to see a fellow bordercollie mom, I'd love to talk w/ you more. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    When the boys were little we put up a 4 ft garden fence---that's all we needed because they just needed to know their Border.  Since then we have put privacy gates in and put 35 ft down the side of where these people live---thinking that would stop it---it has done much better but this 5 year old is uncontrollable----we have talked to the father and you would not want to know how he yelled at my husband. We have learned how to deal with it on our side--before I let the boys out, I make sure they are not out----(funny thing is, no I should say SAD, their Lab is sledom out), if they are out--we just grap the Frisbee's and they could care less!!!  I talked with my Dad last night and the scary thing is that this dog runs out of the house--when he charged me yesterday(I was loading stuff in the car, I stood my ground and he turned) , if I would of had my boys they would have attacked him to protect me.  My boys are trained that they do NOT go out of the house ahead of me.

    So on to happy topics--you are a BC mom???  So cool!!! Would LOVE to talk more!!!  My email address is lmyers1961@comcast.net


    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmmm.... are they computer people?  Maybe you could send them here?  This place has really helped alot of dogs who's owners thought they weren't doing anything wrong...

    Probably though, they wouldn't be bothered.  Sometimes I wish I could make my niece come here.  She could learn sooooo much.  She isn't doing bad with her pup, and I did manage to talk her into adopting a rescue rather than buying a puppy from some ad in the paper.  And she has crate trained him as well, but .... well there is just soo much more she could do.  She's fanatical about everything else she does, why can't it include her dog.  Today she came into the petstore in the strip mall where she owns her own salon (at 20 years old I might add) and at least had the decency to blush when I pointed out yet again the fact that she feeds Pedigree.

     Anyway, I feel your pain.

    • Gold Top Dog


     she feeds Pedigree.

    I used to feed Maze Pedigree.. I still would be if she never developed the allergy to grain...

    • Gold Top Dog



    When the boys were little we put up a 4 ft garden fence---that's all we needed because they just needed to know their Border.  Since then we have put privacy gates in and put 35 ft down the side of where these people live---thinking that would stop it---it has done much better but this 5 year old is uncontrollable----we have talked to the father and you would not want to know how he yelled at my husband. We have learned how to deal with it on our side--before I let the boys out, I make sure they are not out----(funny thing is, no I should say SAD, their Lab is sledom out), if they are out--we just grap the Frisbee's and they could care less!!!  I talked with my Dad last night and the scary thing is that this dog runs out of the house--when he charged me yesterday(I was loading stuff in the car, I stood my ground and he turned) , if I would of had my boys they would have attacked him to protect me.  My boys are trained that they do NOT go out of the house ahead of me.   

    What a shame!  You know before we got Misty, we did a lot of research on the breed, to make sure it was a breed for us.  A friend of ours where we have our boat (actually the owner of the place) has one, and she is the sweetest, most adorable dog, and that's what made us consider a BC.  They obviously didn't do their research, since labs are pretty much like a BC, that needs lots of excercise and room to run and play.  Of course, I guess he'll get it eventually going for his runs out of the "NUT HOUSE"!  Sorry, your intervention, was a disaster, obviously we have more in common than just BC's.  We too have ignorant neighbors. 

    Thanks so much for your e-mail, I will definitely be e-mailing you!  I can use all the help I can get!  LOL  Since you have more than one, heck, your an expert!  You'll have to give me tips on how you trained the boys not to go out of the house ahead of you!  Misty's driving us crazy w/ that, we're workin' on it, but any advice will be a godsend! 

    Good Luck on the who neighbor thing, trust me I know what it's like to live next door to people like these.

    Oh, by the way, here's my e-mail address too:  jmrullo@verizon.net

    Thanks Again!

    • Gold Top Dog

    If I ever go postal this is most likely one of the reasons. 

    many years ago I was dropping off donations to the local shelter.... while talking to the gang there a yound beautiful hound , reagally walked up to me, HMMMM I thought, I could add her to the pack easily. While chatting and making up my mind, mentally counting the money in my pocket , since our shelter takes cash only I thought yep this one is for me,  another family came in and the kids fell out over her, they raved over her looks and sweet nature and fought back tears when told she was to go home with me... I was waiting for the final paperwrk to be brought to me when a smallish , shivering black lab came up from behind and lay as close to me as she could trust.  Her eyes went pickaninny as she tried to watch me and her lips puffed in and out in a silent panic... she was in a cage marked for Euthanasia that afternoon.  I watched as my picked hound pranced and preened,  her body fit and gleaming, she had been lost during a storm, in my heart I knew some one had been looking for her. ...

    That darn lab lay there , trying to catch my eye... she knew.   After saying good bye to the hound , I took Frisco home,  she was afraid of  storms, and motorcycles, beer and base ball caps. She was a mess around men and wanted nothing more than to be a Ridgeback....

    I had a battle to keep her, even though my DH was a lab person before the rhodies, he couldn't figure out this small black  dog who winced and flattened every time he spoke.  I went back to the shelter and spoke with the crew, after chatting them up over a box of fresh doughnuts I found out the former owner's names and address.  Silly me I "ran into them" and began a conversation....

    "I love dogs" I commented, " OOOOH us too " she said...   "I have a kennel" I causually mentioned. "we show dogs"    "You got Pure bred dogs ?" she asked,  ""yes, we show them and train them for therapy"   "wow, that sounds like fun, we had a purebred dog once" She  thought out loud... "t was the worsis dog WE ever had " ... ( I am not kidding she said worsis)    " Gosh , really ? " I asked feigning interest.  "Yeah, we paid a bundle for her,  50 bucks !! and she was a piece of .."   " Gawd I 'member that d*mn dog" He interrupted over the top of his beer can.  "pitiful excuse for a hunting dog" he added. "she couldn't catch a thing, not even her own shadow" pop , he opened another beer and offered me one. "I'm good " I said , waving off the 9 am beer, "what kind of dog was it?" I queried with a straight face. " She was a pedigreed lab, a real pure bred dog" She eagerly offered, as she ran her hand over my LV purse for the umpteenth time. " That pure bred stuff  is pure cr*p if ya askes me !" she said,  " well not like your purebred dogs of course..."  I managed to keep from screaming... "Gee why is that? "  I asked,  " Well that dog we bought was like retarded or somethin" she began,  "Yeah , retarded " he said just before belching.  " "she was the biggest fraidy cat, I mean she couldn't handle storms, or bike rallies, it was like she was confused"  she began to explain.... he reached for yet another beer and said " He*L baby you always did cut her too much slack.."  I thought my eyes would make a sound as they rolled back into my head... " that stupid ole dog couln't find game and feed herself when we went out of town...she just got inta  the trash..."  "you didn't board her when you had to go out of town ? "  I asked.  "Well no, " she laughed , "we just look like we got money"  blushing as she looked at her Dear Hubby, " the worstis thing about that dog was her everlastin barking, yap, yap, yap   We'd get inta a fuss and she'd haveta be in the middle of it, it was cute"  "Cute my A** what an interferin mutt, ever time she " pointing a finger at his wife, " got a bee in her bonnet and started nagging on me  the dang dog would get in between us"   At this point the little wife got an odd look on her face,  luckily the big man had to go to the bathroom so she continued in a husded voice " It were kinda nice, when he gets to drinkin sometimes he pushes me around, I hate it when he gets like that, handsy , ya know?"            What was I supposed to say ?      " He didn't hit me so much when she was there,  he'd just kick the tar outa her... it was nice not to haveta deal with him by myself"    HEYYY Baaaby", he hollered as he came back from the bathroom, yet another beer in hand... "did ya tell her about how that dumb dog you wanted would bark and scratch at the door all night when it got a little cold? Tooo dang stupid to get under the trailer.!! "  He was now flushed and one sid eof his shirt was untucked. She seemed to shrink as I looked back at her. ... I didn't have the heart to continue, saying goodbye I headed for my car, " Hey, hey there... ?"  both of them called, " yes ? " I said through gritted teeth,  " How much would one of yer dogs cost?? "  floored I struggled to answer, " my dogs run pretty high,.."   "What's high ?"" he asked in his best ready to dicker voice, " a pet starts at 2000.00 " They both looked floored, " Fer a dog?"  "yes sir."   ..." You mean fer just ONE dog?"    sigh  "yes sir" hmmmmm , she grabbed him by the arm and tugged, " Come on Baby, we don't need a dog right now nohow, "  slighty petulant but at the same time wistful,  "Why ?" I asked ,   " Yur right Surgar baby", He grinned like a buffoon, " we dumped that stupid dog the day my Sweet Baby and I are gonna have a baby!" He nearly shouted, "It was time ya know, we aint gettin any younger so it was time to forget about the dumb dog and think about a kid or two...."

    Frisco lived with us for almost 14 years, she traveled ALL over the US and was adored. She passed away in my arms, loved and honored.  Last I heard her first owners had 5 kids and were working on yet another. They were a bit disapointed from the lack of stellar activity by the children. somehow the genes passed   on just didn't shine the way they had thought they would.  I can't help but wonder if Charles Manson's folks thought there was something not 100% about him too???

    Yeah this topic could make me postal easily, no doubt about it  ....

    Bonita of Bwana               



    • Gold Top Dog


    I can totally relate--when my husband tried to go over and talk to the the father--he went balistic--when the Lab got loose on Sunday---and the woman came over with a lease, you would not believe the mouth she had on her--we live in a very nice neighborhood--most lots are over an acre with lots of trees--people have lived in their houses for a long time---have pets-look outfor everyone else and their pets.  But then we have this one!!!!!  We do so much with our BC's, when the weather is bad--we have indoor play, etc.  This poor dog HAS to spend most of it's time in a crate---I just can't prove it.