Admin approval requested

    • Gold Top Dog

    Admin approval requested

    This PM is from member ladiebug...she's been a regular here in past but has been on and off of late. My first thought is why not? But as always...better the decision come from Admin. Her PM/request follows,

    "Hi Gina,

    I've away fro quite some time, partly due to a hectic schedule, partly due to illness.  That illness was caused by a medicine prescribed for me by my doctor about 2 years ago.  I landed in the hospital last week with SEVERE anemia, requiring a blood transfusion.  Anyway, I'd to post some information to alert as may people as possible to the side effects of this popular drug, that's now over the counter, as these severe ones are not listed for the general consumer.  I hope to spare anyone I can reach this VERY uncomfortable, and unnecessary experience.

    SO, my question is: 1- can I post the name of the drug?  and 2- can I post a link I found for more info about this drug?

    I'm not sure if you're still a moderator, if not, please let me know who I can ask this of.

    Thank you,


    • Gold Top Dog

    Can you tell her that it's fine for her to share her experience and the name of the drug, but that people can PM her for the link? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    will do! Thank you