Clickers for the surly thread

    • Gold Top Dog

    Clickers for the surly thread

    Getting nasty...I'd like an Admin to check thru and see if the exchange between Kim (some of her comments are questionable) and DPU requires further action.

    I removed his directive to her to "not comment on his posts anymore" which he has said to US before re:PM's. I am not sure who he thinks he is...but he does not get to tell people where to post...period.

    I'd love feedback on this one!


    • Gold Top Dog

     Sorry Gina..had to do some blasted work this morning.  Off to read now..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've made some additional edits on Kim's there is some new red ink since this thread started LOL. Feel free to add or subtract...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I sent Ado a request to change their post because it is personally directed and DPU will doubtless think it a personal attack...which it may well be. This member is new and not known to be a trouble maker that I know of so I hope this was okay.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I caught your edits, they are all what I would have removed.  Why did you need me again?  lol.  Seriously, thanks.  Yes

    • Gold Top Dog big...I admit to being a bit gun shy about editing...not sure why. Worry too much about doing it wrong I guess.

    Anyhow I am uploading the funniest vid of Cleo playing with a Balloon right's making me giggle. I'll post it when it's done so folks can see what a doofus she is hehe.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think we can all be a bit gun shy about editing....I think I have just gotten to the stage where I don't really care what people think of it....if it needs to go, it needs to go.  I carved up that USMC thread yesterday because I sat there thinking "what would people do if I made some of those comments about the US?" and concluded that I would have been lynched lol.  

    Can't wait to see Cleo the Doofus with a balloon.  I've never given Ben one, I wonder what he'd do?  lol.