I'd like to be once again unknighted please.
IMO...disciplinary issues, or issues one has with an Admin/Mod are discussed privately...not in a room of hundreds. That is, I believe the way things relating to discipline should be handled, privately, professionally, and maturely. That is the way they've been handled in every job I've ever had. That is what is comfortable for me. We seem to be leaving my comfort zone and entering the field of "open door management..airing of grievances in public whenever you want". I can see myself not doing my job much if at all just to avoid that because it is stressful to me...which would make the burden on the others here heavier...which is unfair, hence my request.
So thank you ladies for all the fun and laughs and support when things got heavy. I think you all do a great job...and I think you all will continue to do so :) I can also guarantee that I won't become a burr under the saddle like some other resigned Mod I won't mention....lol.
I am sick today...kiddos too...so I'll sign off for now.