This thread was obviously started by Ixas to cause trouble. Instead, it stemmed into a very good discussion. Now Ixas is trying to bait people & intemtionally attepmting to make the thread an "us against them" free for all, yet again.....
Forum: Trainers, Philosophies and Methods
Posted: Oct 24, 10:04 PM [GMT -5]
Post Subject:
Re: Reward: Millan (Dead or Alive)Post author:
It allows him to dodge the bullet
Oh? ... so who's doing the shooting and why?
Millan states, clearly and repeatedly, that he trains people. His idols are Dr Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins. His plans include founding organizations for empowering 3rd world women though skills gained developing leadership to rehab dogs.
Millan is unique among dog world celerities, in that he focuses on human behavior. That's the fundamental reason why I, too, don't consider him a "dog trainer".