Posted : 6/14/2011 3:44:49 PM
anymore people have to wait SEVERAL days to be approved
OT, but, I don't think 3 days = SEVERAL. It's not common for IDs to wait more than that and usually that's because there's something particularly curious about the ID. Not saying it hasn't ever happened, because it has, but it's not a common thing.
I understand the need for approval but understand I'm posting specifically from the standpoint of people who are panic-stricken so I've gotten my information from them. I truly don't know *how* long it takes for approval (that post-dates my becoming a member). I wasn't trying to be snarky -- I would just hope that it would be a voluntary thing to have your email withheld rather than mandatory.
Being a moderator is a thankless task and you guys are probably the ones who have to volunteer to DO that approving, so I honestly wasn't trying to point a loaded gun there. I just know how often people have tried to find me to get information because of the difficulty of that disease and how unbelievably time-sensitive it is.
The board can't be "run" because of one thread and I'm not suggesting that. I really haven't often been harassed by spam the way LIes and some others have been (which kinda makes it sound like spammers may target certain areas??) and I try to type out my email address (minus punctuation) so folks CAN get hold of me if they need to.
I just didn't want to let that slide by and have an edict come down from above making it more difficult for folks with sick dogs to find us. Way back when the board made it's big transformation what 4-6 years ago, I was one of the ones who mourned heartily the fact that we don't get emails for each post the way we used to but it was a snap decision made by "the powers that be" because of the complaints of a very few people. So I decided I'd better speak up.
Wasn't trying to be critical -- just kinda "guarding my chicks" as it were.