Posted : 8/10/2010 12:27:57 AM
Look under General Chat, her thread is called "I'm Ready to Move" linky: http://forum.dog.com/forums/t/108455.aspx
It's clear people are avoiding saying anything in there. I think. There are so many things to say!!!
"He's always relaxed, especially on pain pills" - one could interpret this to mean he's been on pain meds before.
He's only on meds because she let him out and he bolted across the road the other day and was struck by a car.
"I check for traffic and let him out." 0h, really, wise one??? PS, I was pretty sure that part was added after the fact...
"He tears off into the brush beside my house and flushed 2, possibly three men. I screamed and called him to me, shut the door, called the sherriff." As BlackLabbie put it - this dog is not trained for personal protection. He seems to have good instincts and I'm not going to deny him the leeway to say maybe he is a good protection dog. But, jeesus, woman. Those guys could have had knives to cut him, other weapons to beat him, possibly a gun. She's damn lucky his recall was better this time than last... *sigh*