Posted : 2/10/2010 4:01:10 PM
Hmm. Interesting notion.... I agree, lots of potential problems and abuse.
I would think, first of all, it would need it's own section (ie General Chat, NDR, etc) so a "Product Review" area of the board. Otherwise it will take over a section, I'd be willing to bet. Maybe we could have a NDR and a DR related part to it?
To post/see this section it should be members only? So someone who is just searching the net wouldn't necessarily even see it?
Reviews are allowed, constructive, helpful reviews. If you don't agree with the product such as "ecollars are evil..." type things, they are not welcome, it's not constructive. If they want to debate the evils of ecollars take it to the training part of the board. Period. That will have to be very black and white. "I don't like THIS ecollar vs. I don't like ecollars EVER". It will be a bitch to moderate, that's for sure.
As far as linking, there will just need to be a line where it goes from helpful to spam and it will be solely at our discresion which is which.... I hate to say it, but that's really the only way to make it work. I wish it could be clearer cut, but if someone shows up and puts 5 posts in the Review Section off the bat.... that's abuse, no matter what they try to say.
My concern would be the spam/abuse, but if we make it our sole discresion and Members Only, it may make it easier.