Bevolasvegas has been given a 3 day suspension, have emailed her.
Tssst has been permanently banned, emailed but it bounced so sent a PM while he was online, waiting until I saw him reading it.
Neztahoni has been permanently banned, so has telluride. Both have been emailed.
Sheppie - same IP as LC/tssst...was in the middle of doing all the bans when they turned up. Banned pending Jaime's review of that, since I did it right away because...
....the IP ban system appears not to be working. If it had, that Sheppie person would have been unable to register or post at all. I thought maybe I just hadn't gotten to that IP yet (there were a bunch I had to work through) but I checked and I'd done it already IP bans were decided on because all these people have proven they will just make duplicate accounts, am still waiting to hear what's going on with that now.
We need to be on our toes, I doubt the games are going to stop anytime soon....or at least until the IP ban feature works.