Posted : 7/7/2007 10:11:21 AM
The constant claim by the anti crowd that this law won't work by people that don't even live in California, shows that they know it will work, and that if it passes, it will soon be in their state when the voters see how much money can be saved by S/N laws.
Normally I don't respond to your posts, because it's not worth the effort-but this time you're spreading some serious malarky.
How much money will truly be saved? Let's see. If you figure that whatever professional breeders will get their licenses/exemptions, feral cats won't be touched, more pups will be smuggled into CA from every direction possible, and even figuring that a minority of owners will be scofflaws-thus needing more AC officers on the street, and more court cases will be needed for the prosecution of scofflaws. And these are things off the top of my head, a criminal will be able to exploit every weakness of the law in a heartbeat.
How much money will be saved Bob? A dollar? Maybe two or three? Hardly. This bill will COST MORE MONEY to taxpayers in California. I'm hardly an expert but I do know that there's no such thing as a free lunch, nor a free law.