Posted : 6/22/2007 7:19:34 AM
ORIGINAL: timsdat
You're going to get a list of the fat people that showed their dog at Westminster? Really???? LOL
As a matter of fact yes a list of all the people showing their dogs could be obtained. It's not that hard to get. I'm not going to publish how easy it is to do because I wouldn't want some extremists discovering how to go about harassing people in the show.
There is a doctor that goes on CNN every morning and he very often talks about how there are so many overweight and obese people in America due to eating too much and lack of exercise, and then they show pictures of people walking down the street. Would you say that he is harrassing and insulting people?
This is really a rather ridiculous discussion, since the meaning of my post was totally ignored in order to start an argument over me stating what I saw, in my opinion.
The real issue that should be addressed and the question answered that I asked the other day and never got an answer is this:
If what all the Anti California AB1634 people say is true, and AB1634 will not work,
then why are people from as far away as Florida so concerned about it's passage? That seems to be the question that everyone wants to ignore. THe Anti 1634 groups say it won't do anything to reduce the dog population and without taking a breath, add in the statement that there won't be any dogs and cats left if this law is enacted. [8|] You can't have it both ways, even though you wish you could, because it doesn't make any sense to anyone.
I have my opinion about the answer, and it is that these people know that this law will be very effective and are scared to death that it will spread across the country. Any group of taxpayers that see that millions can be saved by enacting a similar law, will do exactly that. There is a group in Georgia that are already talking about it.