Posted : 5/4/2006 10:53:41 AM
I've been involved in multiple conversations about this and I have to say again it simply comes down to respect for life in our society. We have a lack of it and it's only growing.
The fact that the Amish think of dogs as livestock is really the heart of the problem. But they are definately not the only group either. We see it every night on Animal Cops / Animal Precinct, etc. In this society animals rank lower than humans on all accounts and their life is not respected.
(And lets not forget the general disrepect for human life that permiates our culture)
And frankly, most people don't care about that fact even some in our own dog communities. A huge response to the recent HBO documentary Dealing Dogs was a lot of dog folks saying they 'would be too emotionally affected by it' and would not watch it.
It isn't until everyone in our society is made to see exactly what we do in this country to not only dogs and cats, but also to the livestock raised for consumption, before everyone would get outraged enough to change the way we look at animals and therefore demand change from the government.
(and no I'm not suggesting everyone become a vegetarian.....I am referring to the world of difference between today's "feed lots" and free range animals that are given a natural life and are humanely slaughtered)
We live in a society of instant gratification and consumption. We want everything neatly packaged and there for the purchase every time we want to buy it. This simply translates back to animals and of course the cute 'puppy in the window'.
That's my [sm=2cents.gif]