Posted : 8/9/2008 11:59:30 AM
The whole story is really scary for a number of reasons.
The thing that bothers me so much is the sense of entitlement that some law enforcement officers feel - that they have carte blanche to do whatever they want in the course of their duties, and it is justified because they're the "good guys" in pursuit of the "bad guys."
I understand being a police officer is a demanding and dangerous job, but it is NOT acceptable (in this country at least) for the police to be above the law, or abusive in their use of power. They had no right to use the force they did, and had they done some homework OR exhibited some self control, those poor dogs would be alive and the mayor's family would not be feeling so violated and helpless.
Imagine what its like to be poor and powerless and have the police treat you this way? Happens all the time and those people have no recourse. Our laws and rights exist for a reason - to protect the innocent from abuses of power, even when that power believes it is acting for the greater good.