Posted : 8/6/2008 12:07:27 AM
I thought eaglerock and you are together. I thought it was safe to assume the John Yates writing and you two are all on the same mission. My mistake. Although you did not make the statement one way or another, do you know the position of the CASA and its members? I was going to call each of them today but work was busy. I am not a animal rights person but the position of CASA and its member is significant and I would like to know why they support the ordinance, especially since they can accomplish their goal without the ordinance.
No we are not together, in fact a while back I disagreed with some of their views and validility of some things they posted, where now I tend to read what they post less and where I tend to check things out myself.
As for CASA, well so that I can learn I decided to do a google and found their website, and which I am now in the process of reading through, and I noticed it's a coalition of Chicago shelters and I'll find out some more after reading more, link:-
I'd be very interested in hearing what CASA says after you call them and ask, please send a forum post later on.