Pet Underpopulation

    • Gold Top Dog


    It is my opinion that there are not enough dog lovers willing to step up and foster to give the dog a second life.  As I said before, all the dogs that come into my rescue orgs foster program, get adopted.

    Agreed.  But fostering is sometimes not an option.  In my county, I would have to get a kennel license, I'm at my max with 2 dogs.  I'm also not sure I'm able to do the giving up part, so I volunteer instead.  I think the other problem is the lack of truly responsible pet owners who will keep their dogs until they die and make the sacrifices necessary to keep their dogs through moves, life changes, illness, etc.  Too many adoptable dogs die in shelters because they got too big, owner moved and didn't take them, owner didn't want to pay the additional deposit to find a place that accepts dogs, "don't have time", etc etc etc.  I'm probably a minority, but I view my committment to my dogs the same way as my kids.  I can't drop off my kids if my life changes and I can't do that with my dogs or cats.  I was also very discriminating when choosing my dogs (I turned down 2 others before taking Indie, and I did loads of research on shy dogs before adopting Woobie) and made sure that it was a decision I could live with for the next 15 years or so of their lives.  Far too many dogs come to unfortunate ends because the owners don't do the serious considering when they get the dog.

    Education starts young, in your own home.  Start by teaching your own children about the responsibilities of pet ownership, help support local programs for school children on responsible pet ownership, share the challenges and time committment when asked by strangers about your dog (especially if they seem interested in a particular breed) so that people don't just hear things like "oh yeah, border collies are SUPER!" and want to run out and get one.  I try very hard to talk up Woobie and shelter dogs more than Indie and breed rescue, because for one, the dogs in breed rescue are less at risk for euthanization (they've already dodged that bullet) than the dogs sitting in shelters, so I'd rather have someome take my encouragement and visit their local shelter than think that border collies are super family dogs (not so much) and go contact breed rescue.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Why do shelters euthanize?

    In my opinion it's because the dogs in question are difficult to adopt - behavior problems or medical problems or age.  Plain and simple.  People don't take the time to think how life will be after the cute little puppy becomes the needy, big dog.  Most of the dogs in the shelters around here are one year old.  That's right - I'd say 85% of the dogs in our local shelters are one year old, probably 10% are aged and 5% puppies.    The majority are in just after the cute puppy stage and right about the time you see BIG problems if you haven't done right by your puppy with training and socializing.

    It is my opinion that there are not enough dog lovers willing to step up and foster to give the dog a second life.  As I said before, all the dogs that come into my rescue orgs foster program, get adopted.

    I agree.  But I also have seen people get so overwhelmed by trying to foster that their lives are basically destroyed.  It's a tough call.  I no longer foster.  I used to, but I ended up placing two dogs in homes that turned out to be bad homes.  I was a renter.  When they wanted to return the dogs I had no place to go and no place to put the dogs.  Now I have a home, but no longer foster.  I have seen people whose homes are now destroyed due to fostering and taking in so many dogs.  You become attached.  You can't place the incontinent dog.  And the supply of people who want to give up their dog because it becomes too much work or it peed in their house is ENDLESS.  

    I work with dogs on off days and weekends, I will donate money, I spay/neuter my own dogs, but I no longer foster.  It would destroy my marriage.  My choice of mates may have been wrong, but I am stuck with it for now.  I have to be happy for what I am able to do.

    Sure people should foster dogs if they can.  But the ultimate responsibility is with the people who so easily give up their dogs and can't be bothered once the dog passes the cute puppy stage and becomes an actual dog.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Sure people should foster dogs if they can.  But the ultimate responsibility is with the people who so easily give up their dogs and can't be bothered once the dog passes the cute puppy stage and becomes an actual dog.

    You can not control the actions of others who give up their dogs nor can anyone make anyone else foster that discarded dog.  You can plant a  rewarding notion in someone's head or you can discourage others from fostering.  A good part of your post list extreme situations on why not to foster, petty in my view and hurting the chances of one shelter dog going into a stable home. 

    • Puppy

    ....  But the ultimate responsibility is with the people who so easily give up their dogs and can't be bothered once the dog passes the cute puppy stage and becomes an actual dog.

    Doesn't the person who allowed that cute puppy to come into the world in the first place, and then sold or gave the puppy to someone who "can't be bothered once the dog passes the cute puppy stage" and who can't be bothered him/herself to take that "actual dog" back bear just a teensy itsy bitsy bit of ultimate responsiblity here?
    • Gold Top Dog

    DPU, I am not even sure what your point is.  My family and I have worked rescuing animals our whole lives.  My mom has been featured on the news for her efforts.  We have fostered countless animals.  My mom started a rescue group that has continued on and is doing so much for shelter animals it is unbelievable.  Right now she isn't fostering because she has 7 unplaceable dogs. 

    I am not saying people shouldn't foster!  Far from it.  But I am saying the bottom line is the person who can't be bothered with an animal they CHOSE to get. 

    I can't tell you the number of people who just dump their animals - well, actually I'm sure you know.

    Once my sister actually got through to a lady - though she almost got kicked out of the rescue for doing what she did.  A lady and her young daughter brought her dog in.  The shelter was full.  As an owner surrender the dog didn't have a chance in hell.  My sister asked her why she was dumping her dog.  The lady said "We are moving and can't bring her.  You don't even know me!"  My sister looked her straight in the eye and said "Oh yes I do.  I see you all the time.  Sometimes you look different and sometimes you are male, but you are still the same.  You can't be bothered to try to find your dog a home.  You can't be bothered to work it out.  So you bring it here and dump it off to become someone else's problem.  To alleviate your own guilt.  You aren't giving your daughter away even though you are moving.  Are you?"  The lady left her dog.  But the next day she came back.  She got her dog, who thankfully was still alive.  She said she told her husband about my sister and they decided they should look at their dog as a family member and decided to keep their dog.    She even paid the fees to get the dog back out.   The shelter workers were thrilled.

     I firmly believe the responsibility lies with the people who GET the dog.  Period.  If people out of the kindness of their hearts choose to foster that is wonderful.  But the responsibility isn't with them.   They are just doing a good thing.

    Buster, yes.  Of course breeders bear some responsibility.  But if people didn't give up dogs so easily and then get another the breeders would be out of business soon.  If there isn't a market, people won't make money.  Then it's a losing propsition to keep breeding, right?

    • Gold Top Dog
    buster the show dog
    Doesn't the person who allowed that cute puppy to come into the world in the first place, and then sold or gave the puppy to someone who "can't be bothered once the dog passes the cute puppy stage" and who can't be bothered him/herself to take that "actual dog" back bear just a teensy itsy bitsy bit of ultimate responsiblity here?
    While ultimately the responsibility falls on the dog owner, yes, I do feel that breeders can share some of that - they can take the dog back themselves rather than having it end up in a shelter, they can educate and prepare the puppy buyers for the long term commitment, and all of the quality breeders I know of do exactly that. They do their best to screen out potential buyers who seem unrealistic in what they expect, they can sometimes even find you a trainer to take your dog to. The substandard breeders don't do any of that and don't care, but that, IMO, is a separate issue. Despite the best efforts of the quality breeders, there will still be a few that may fall through the cracks and end up in shelters, but far fewer from them than from other puppy buying sources.