BSL-Logan, WV

    • Gold Top Dog

    BSL-Logan, WV

    • Gold Top Dog

    The breeds that fit the requirement are Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinchers, Rottweilers or any dog of the Wolfe species.


     That article read like it was written by a 10 year old.

    So, if you don't register your dog and pay the city a buttload of money they'll "quarantine it?" Quarantine it for what? Does viciousness have an incubation period? Hmm

    Sigh, the lack of logic in BSL is frightening.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The "wolfe species"????

    Since dogs were reclassified as canis lupus familiaris that would mean that ALL dogs are included because they are ALL part of the wolf species. This just screams "We know nothing about dogs and we didn't bother to learn anything before we wrote this Iaw."

    And these jokers who can't even identify a SPECIES correctly are going to identify BREEDS? ROFL


    • Gold Top Dog

    You know, this registry doesn't prove your dog (or whatever you own of the "Wolfe species";) isn't vicious.

    • Gold Top Dog

    blah. Bsl sucks.

    Has anyone ever heard of a doberman attacking anyone??

    I'm not necessarily defending them because i want one, i would also like to own a pit bull...but i've heard of pit and rott attacks. I, in my whole life...have never heard of a dobe biting anyone. I hear of way more GSDs attacking. i'm confused as to why dobes are subject to bsl more than gsds...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Actually sadly I have. The semi famous case of the Dobe given to a shelter to be put down by it's owner for aggression. They did not, they felt the dog was saveable...rehomed the dog with a woman who was later killed by the dog.