Posted : 10/4/2007 9:57:14 AM
haha, I know it sounded a bit harsh, but when you deal with the animals affected by fighting rings, when you have picked up 1/2 dead dogs off the side of a road in a ditch because they lost a fight, you really see these things in a different light. I have spent months, and months rehabing fighting pits in a slight hope that one day, they might be able to live like a normal dog. Many times, they have to be euthanized because they fighting drive to too high to safey be adopted out. But that is not the case with all... some are able to be adopted out, depends on the extent of the fighting that was done with the dog.
I believe he CAN be a fabulous spokes person against pit bull fighting, a been there done that story. But he will NEVER have my respect or sympathy. I sincerely hope he never is allowed to touch another animal as long as he lives.