makes me sick.

    • Gold Top Dog

    makes me sick.

    Vick is taking a PETA sponsered class on animal respect. MAKES ME ABSOLUTELY SICK. What better orgainization to 'reform' Vick than the very organization that wants to get rid of all dogs as pets. Fantastic. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. What is he trying to prove? What is he trying to accomplish? What he did was discusting, and unforgivable in my book and many others.

    I've dealt with animal fighting from every aspect, and let me tell you. These people do NOT want to change. They do NOT care what happens to these dogs, or other animals. They have no compassion, and no class sponsered by PETA is going to change them.

    Vick- I hope you get exactly what you deserve. I hope you rot in jail and never touch another living thing as long as you live.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Now tell us how you really feel! Hee! Hee!

    I don't know what to think of this. I do hope he is sincere. He would actually make a great spokes person against dog fighting/animal cruelty. He has the opportunity with his celeb status to impress a lot of young boys and hopefully make the sport of dog fighting "Uncool". I think we'll just have to wait and see how sincere he is once the media spotlight and legal matters are resolved.

    Call me Sally Ann, but I do believe people can change. Unfortunately it can take a major crisis in ones life.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The irony of the PeTA thing is immense. They have publicly stated thru their prez that euthanizing PB's at shelters is the right thing to do....and yet they are teaching this man, compassion...and likely will get any $$ he makes in reparation...

    The PB groups out there NEED to be in contact with Vick's handlers and get him over their way to make sure any money is put to the PROPER use.

    They above any other org's should benefit financially from his restitution...and they shouldn't be taking the high road about taking his "blood money" either, IMO because with the amount he'd be likely to give many a PB could be helped and many a BSL law could be fought.

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha, I know it sounded a bit harsh, but when you deal with the animals affected by fighting rings, when you have picked up 1/2 dead dogs off the side of a road in a ditch because they lost a fight, you really see these things in a different light. I have spent months, and months rehabing fighting pits in a slight hope that one day, they might be able to live like a normal dog. Many times, they have to be euthanized because they fighting drive to too high to safey be adopted out. But that is not the case with all... some are able to be adopted out, depends on the extent of the fighting that was done with the dog.

    I believe he CAN be a fabulous spokes person against pit bull fighting, a been there done that story. But he will NEVER have my respect or sympathy. I sincerely hope he never is allowed to touch another animal as long as he lives.

    • Gold Top Dog

    But he will NEVER have my respect or sympathy. I sincerely hope he never is allowed to touch another animal as long as he lives.


    I totally agree.  People that do things like this to animals should never be able to own another animal. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    DH caught this on the sports page. I was absolutely flabbergasted. I figured that Ingrid Newkirk was dancing gleefully in PETA's hallowed halls. Putting these two togetheris like putting Himmler and Goering in the same room.  Makes me sick.
    • Gold Top Dog

    It is perfectly okay to be harsh... when it comes to things of this nature!!  Stupid people make me VERY HARSH!!!  It is very sad to know that some people think that animals 'don't matter'  They bring soooo much joy to a persons life!  Who else will love you unconditionally! Even when you have had the worst day of your life they are soo eager to please and soooo happy to be near you!  They warm your feet when you are cold, lick your bo-bos when your hurt and would protect you from harm...with no concern at all for their own safety......I bet Vick doesn't know any humans that would do all of this for him and ask for nothing in return!!!  As I've said before....judge not least ye be judged......there is a nice toasty place in hell for that man!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    judge not least ye be judged......there is a nice toasty place in hell for that man!!!

    Wait....what? Judge not and then...."he's going to hell!" I'm confused....

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm saying feel free to judge me....that is what that phrase means in the bible.... IMO.  You know, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, well I'm not perfect or anywhere near it for that matter....but I am compasionate and caring.  I do everything in my power to help my fellow man and animal.....just saying, I take that phrase to mean unless ya keep a clean house so to speak you shouldn't be standing around pointing your fingers at other people... I have never even considered fighting dogs or anything that cruel for that matter!! Might not give me the right to judge him in some peoples opinion but oh well, I still feel that there is a nice toasty place in hell for the guy!