Posted : 10/29/2007 2:16:46 PM
To be honest I would never support a mandatory spay/neuter bill of any sort.
While I'm not against the practice, and in 99% of cases I support the practice, and the pups we sell generally are all sold on our own spay/neuter contracts (nobody has asked otherwise, so it's never been an issue to talk about alternatives), I also wish to retain my right to keep my dogs intact if I wish for the life of the dog. Simply having an intact dog is not automatically associated with irresponsibility and offspring. Heck, I've been handling intact animals for 15 years now and have never once had an "accidental" breeding. For those who are irresponsible, yes spaying/neutering should be a valid option, but for those people who know how to control their dogs, they should not be forced into such practices. And better yet, routine spay/neuter is actually something that is most common to North America. It's not something that occurs much in some countries overseas, and they don't have pet overpopulation problems. Some people, for whatever their reason, wish to keep an animal natural. And it's not just religion or morals, a lot of it also does come down to scientific evidence to explain why they made that choice.
Once again, go after the problem where it was created, and stop coming up with bogus threats to make living with animals next to impossible.