Posted : 9/8/2006 1:38:04 PM
I agree with you completely. I wrote a blog about this issue as I run a lost and found pet website. Microchips seem to be such a great way to re-united lost pets but there are three critical conditions that have to be met for them to be successful.
1). The microchip information has to be up-to-date.
2) The person that finds a dog has to know about microchips and take the dog to get scanned.
3) The shelter/vet needs to have the right scanner etc to detect the chip.
I am a little worried that too many dog owners have their dog's microchipped (excellent[
]) but then don't do any follow through to make sure the chip is useful if the dog is lost. The result is your situation, a pet with a useless microchip.
I got an email from someone who had a rescue that was chipped. She had it scanned and was given a chip company that was apparently no longer in business. I researched it and found out that the chip number belonged to a different chip manufacturer.